Empowering charities through behavioral psychology
My name is Alicia, and I believe that behavioral psychology has the power to change the world.
I’ve been inspired by working with charities that make it their mission to impact lives through community outreach and genuine compassion. I truly believe that humans want to help each other—sometimes they just need a little nudge in the right direction. That’s where the psychology comes in…
Nudge theory: the idea that our choices are shaped imperceptibly by our environment.
Behavioral psychology is a cutting-edge field of research with the potential to transform the world - and businesses know this. But why shouldn’t charities benefit, too?
I set up the Psychology of Charity project to investigate the potential of nudge theory as a force for doing good. I’m conducting research on the behavioral psychology of charitable giving, and I want to share what I’ve learned.
The behavioral psychology of charity
There are many brilliant studies available to read online on nudge theory, behavioral psychology, and charitable giving. I’ve organized some of these resources on this website, to help other charities access this information - and use behavioral psychology to boost their own fundraising efforts!